T.E.A.M Has Served Over 1500 Families


We are instructing families on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our staff works with families as a village, reinforcing mental health education, ethics, values, and good moral decision-making to transform negative/destructive behavior into positive conduct at home, school, and community. This formula and support-in-place allow for people to become positive contributing members of their community. In addition, we provide families with resources and alternatives that support a nurturing, safe, and healthy environment.







Founded in 1966 as the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, CARF International is an independent, non-profit accreditor of health and human services​ providers who help improve their services, demonstrate value, and meeting internationally recognized organizational and program standards.

We are proud to be fully certified by CARF under the following tenants of service: 




Aging Services
Behavioral Health
Child and Youth Services
Employment and Community Services
Medical Rehabilitation
Opioid Treatment Program

Third-party payers, governmental agencies, and the public-at-large recognize CARF accreditation as demonstrating accountability and conformance to internationally accepted standards that promote excellence in your services.


The value of CARF accreditation is more than a certificate hanging on the wall. CARF accreditation is evidence that your organization strives to improve efficiency, fiscal health, and service delivery, creating a foundation for consumer satisfaction.



T.E.A.M. is a proudly accredited organization under CARF International. For a complete layout of what these standards are, please visit them at www.carf.org

Instantly Double Your Impact





